Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 3, Bring It On

Another week down. Classes were really hard. I think there were 2 days where I absolutely felt like I had taken a step forward and 3 back. As I write, I have finished my homework for the weekend, but I really need to re-write it one more time and I need to review. It definitely is not getting any easier.

One of my fears in beginning language school was that I would just simply be afraid to "practice"; to go out there and just start talking to people. So far that has proven true. I think I need to arrange to "hire" a language partner/tutor this week.

The highlights of the week included getting to eat at TGIFriday's not once, but twice! It wouldn't take long to blow my meal budget doing that. An acquaintance from Birmingham was in town earlier in the week finalizing an adoption and I got to meet him on Tuesday night for Blackened Chicken Pasta!! Then on Friday night my friend Lori (from FL but living in Poltava- about 4 hours away and working with a church and with orphans) was in town and we had dinner...Blackened Chicken Salad this time.

Another highlight was hearing from one of my fellow World Racers. Stephanie Fisk is doing an amazing job leading one of the current World Race Squads. I should get to see her in just over a month as she a few others will be in Ukraine to survey possible April/May sites for the squad.

Yesterday began as a bummer for reasons I won't go into here...but I definitely felt "attacked". Satan only needs an inch to take a mile and he worked me hard most of the day. Last night Lori and some other friends here- Oleg and Oksana- invited me to go to Metro (think Sam's Club) with them which allowed me to stock up on some staples (more Ramen Noodle!) and more importantly to get out of the apartment a little bit. I needed it.

Today I met the Hathcock's at church and spent the whole day with them. Kimberly washed my clothes for me this evening and I watched "Ever After" with them (I cried, but it was dark and no one knew!) In the morning I'm meeting Darrel and we're gonna try and find a frame for my mattress...and of course...more school in the afternoon.

There's a book I read just after arriving here- John Eldredge's "Waking the Dead". There's a prayer in the back that I've been 'reading/praying' in the mornings...part of it says, "Thank you for those who pray for me; I confess I need their prayers, and I ask you to send forth your Spirit and rouse them, unite them, raising up the full canopy of prayer and intercession for me . . . ."

Not even during The World Race have I been so aware of my need for prayer covering. Keep it coming.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you... and never fear, we're praying always. That's a terrific book. I didn't know you hadn't read it yet or I'd have gotten it for you ages ago. All is quiet here today... since church this morning, all I've done is sit curled up on the couch working on Adler's quilt and watching sci-fi... loving you, little brother... and lifting you up in prayer always...

Janet T (Clinton's other sister) said...

you're in my prayers always, always

Anonymous said...

As usual every day when I get ouyt of bed I go to the P.C. check the mail and your blog with Thanks to Jesus for another day asking him to take care of you to give you the ability to do his work. Son My prayers for You are with me every day and many times .He rides wit me in the car while walking across the yard , just anywhere I may be when I am alone, and those are the good times,I guess I understand why now My Mom used to sing the beautifull old song --In The Garden while hanging out clothes in the back yard.
He3y, I,m rattling on. Allways know we all love and miss you so much.

Karen said...

"Waking the Dead" is one of my must read favorites. I am praying that you will have protection from spiritual attacks and for understanding as you face the challenges of language study.

Ashley said...

I am praying for you. Your last pic, you looked skinny- put some protein powder in those ramon noodles!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey BIL! I am still reading that book, but it has been really great for me. The language study would be a challenge for anyone!! How does Russian rate on the difficulty level, anyway! Way up there I'll bet!!I am proud of you for going after God's plan for your life. You are AWESOME, He is AWESOMERRR!!!! Love Ya Pam

Anonymous said...

Praying for you continually, Clinton. Maybe we can do the same for each other...

I loved that prayer; I'm glad you shared it in your post. Be safe, and get your Russian on. You're in my thoughts.


thosedukes said...

Hi Clinton! It's great to hear that you are getting ready to dive into some language encounters! I remember having many of them with you around the world. :)
While the snow is melting there, it's pretty nasty here, in Oklahoma. Stay strong, brother. You are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Hey Clinton,
Thanks so much for your pcreminders, I pray for you every time I receive one. I know how rough it is going back to school... and for me it hasn't been quite as long!! Keep truckin' brotha, the Lord is with you.

Vickie (Clinton's sister) said...

Hi, little brother... we're carrying your pallet in prayer today... and so is Cousin Janie... she called to tell me she's praying for you and loves you... remember the story where Jesus is teaching in the house, and there is a lame man who can't get to him, so his friends make a hole in the roof and lower his pallet through the roof down to the feet of Jesus? That's how I think of prayer... carrying someone on a pallet of prayer and laying them at Jesus' feet... sleep tight and warm and close to His heart... He loves you and so do we all...

Anonymous said...

Brother, God's working for you. You come to my (our) minds throughout the day at seemingly random moments. I'm pretty sure that you are being "bathed" in prayers throughout the day.

Love you brother.

WonderGirl said...

Who do we appreciate?

Clinton, clinton, whooooo clinton!

Thought you could use a little "cheer" today. :)

(Okay, shoot me now for corniness. Seriously, just go ahead and put me out of my misery. This has got to end.)