Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friend Raising

Actually, there's a book by that name...Friend Raising.  It's on my list.  Maybe I'll get around to it this summer.

I'm in the midst of raising support to go to Ukraine.  You know that already.

What you don't know though is that I'm learning so much doing this.  More than I've been able to process really and more than I know how to adequately write about.

I've been learning a lot about the Biblical basis for support raising.  I've been Southern Baptist most of my life and we have the "Cooperative Program".  I've always thought and still do think that it's a brilliant way to fund missions.  But it's not the only way, that's for sure.  One way to look at it is like this: My support raising is giving people an opportunity to "give".  Duh!  But since it's more blessed to give than receive and God wants us to give what we purpose in our hearts with cheerful hearts...then just giving people an outlet, an avenue to give is as much a ministry to them as their giving is to me.

I've been learning a lot about exercising my strengths as a minister in the context of raising support.  A few of my strengths- the way God has wired me- is that I'm a Relator, I build meaningful relationships with people and then maintain those relationships.  I'm a Developer- I often (especially in teenagers) see potential in people and I like to call-out that potential and encourage people.  And I'm into being Connected- I see myself as part of a bigger picture.  I have been really fulfilled in the last few weeks of raising support- not just because it's affecting the bottom line in my support account- but because doing so is allowing me to exercise my strengths.

Ask anyone if they want to do what they love for a living.  Most people probably don't enjoy that privilege.

There's more I guess.  Like I said, I'm still processing.  And even though I'm still pretty much in the starting gate I can, nevertheless, glimpse the finish line.  I can see being fully supported and I can see the beauty and simplicity of being a part of the body of Christ and sharing the fruit with those whose gifts are making it possible.

1 comment:

Thuy said...

I really enjoyed reading this post, friend. You are definitely a relator. Our 15-year friendship is proof! Continually praying for you and that God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches. He will do it!