Monday, January 11, 2010

Thoughts on Defining Moments

I heard a "heartwarming" little story on a radio station this morning. The lady had been asked to sing the National Anthem at an Atlanta Braves Baseball game. Of course, you know what happened. She choked. No, literally...she coughed/choked on a word while singing the song.

Afterwards she received the applause of 40000 fans and pats on her back from her husband and friends. All she could think of though was how she blew one word/ one note. For days she beat herself up until she came to the realization that she hit 80 words and at least that many notes- perfectly. From that time forward she gave herself a break in the knowledge that she had been defining herself by the one bad moment instead of the 80 good ones.

My immediate reaction to her story was that I should give myself a break too and not define myself by one sin or one mistake or one blown judgement call.

But as I continued driving down the road I started thinking that... regardless of whatever positive attitude I can muster, the fact is that most of us are defined by our "defining moments".
Nobody remembers or even cares much what George Washington might have done on a day to day basis; he's remembered for Crossing the Delaware in the middle of the night or for braving the bitter cold of Valley get the picture. I am somewhere in the middle. I'm in the middle of nowhere Mississippi helping my best friend in his Survey business. (I'm the genius that holds the red and white striped pole steady!). And maybe I'm between "defining moments" too. Time will tell.

One thing I think though is that most of us don't know when our "defining moments" will occur. I guess we just play the Boy Scout and put ourselves in a position to be prepared for when it happens. If I blow it I can still thank God for His grace and if I succeed then I can praise Him for His grace. Either way, he gets the glory.


Karen said...

Awesome post! Thanks!

Vickie (Clinton's sister) said...

Amen! Wow... I needed that one. I'm going to share that one with my Sunday school class... thanks, Clinton...

Anonymous said...

I want not agree on it. I think precise post. Especially the title attracted me to study the unscathed story.

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