Triathlon Phase 1: I pulled, toted, dragged, carried, crawled my kayak from the boathouse at the bottom of the bluff to my Jeep in the driveway (maybe 250 vertical feet and nearly that many steps!)
I started at the top of the map at the Brushy Creek Bridge- kayaked down the lake to the High's Boathouse and then rode my bike back to the bridge.
Triathlon Phase 3: I rode my bike back to my Jeep.
Grand total of almost 10 miles roundtrip. 2.84 miles on water and the rest either climbing the mountain in the backyard or biking across Winston County. My top speed on water was 4.0 mph and my top speed on bike was 30 mph (I love 1/2 the hills around here...of course, the other half of those same hills had me doubting this whole idea!)
Finally, here are a couple shots from the SNOW day yesterday. It snowed really hard ALL day long. I was hoping for a blizzard. I can't think of anything cooler while I'm here than to kayak down the Sipsey Fork River with snow drifts all over the boulders and cliffs. But alas, it melted almost as soon as it hit the ground.
Wow... wonderful pictures... and sounds like an awesome day... I bet you were just delicously tired at the end of it, with the kind of tired that has you smiling as you fall asleep... thanks for sharing...
loving you... and praying for you always...
ok, I'm exhausted from all that hill climbing, kayaking, biking, toting, hauling, hiking, etc. that you've done (and also very impressed!), and I'm soooo jealous of all the snow you got to watch falling! We didn't get any, not even one little flake, and believe me, I was straining my eyes in hopes of seeing one!
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