Friday, January 11, 2013

Jetlagging...might as well write something

Passion 2013 was the 3rd time I've been a Doorholder.  I was a Doorholder last year and I worked at the first ever Passion World Tour- it was in Kiev, Ukraine back in May of 2008.  Before that I was a Student Minister taking students to Passion events as far back as 1999 in Ft Worth, TX, the 3rd ever Passion event.

While it is true that I like being a Doorholder because I want to "give back" and I want to usher in students to a place I've been before, I have to admit to a more selfish reason: I'm not a student, I'm no longer really a student leader, so the only option I have to continue to be involved with Passion is as a volunteer!

And I don't mind working behind the scenes to get there.  In fact, as far as "serving" goes, I rather prefer to be in the background anyway.

My "Team" at Passion was the Worship and Justice Team.  Specifically, I was a cashier at one of the End It Movement giving stations.  It was a great job!  Not only did I have a small hand in setting the display up the day before students arrived but I was able to interact with hundreds of them throughout the conference. And this year in particular, the schedule was conducive to being able to attend several main sessions.

And just like last year, working on a team gave me an opportunity to meet some amazing fellow servants.  Their stories are always inspiring.  Some of them serve because they're in a position similar to my longer a student and not really a staff minister responsible for a group of students.  Some of them are parents of teens who have benefited from Passion.  Many of them, especially on the Worship and Justice Team are working in incredible ministries such as Atlanta area anti-trafficking ministries.


Beth in Ukraine said...

Glad you're back to blogging! Passion sounds like it was awesome. I actually caught a couple live sessions. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

SO MR.CLINTON WOW YOU were at the first ever passion. Thats so so so cool. and im glad that you would like a cold then something spicy if i had STIll had my cold i would feel blessed with my cold!!!!