Monday, January 28, 2013

Procrastination. Or not.

I do have stuff I need to be doing.  But it's been more than a week since I blogged...and I need to do that too, right?  Probably not.

But anyway.  It's Monday.  And it's the beginning of a busy week.  This coming weekend Christina and I will coach the church in Kalush again.  It's our "3rd" session with them where we focus on helping them build their leadership team and get them started on their small group ministry.  We'll also get them started writing Vision and Mission statements.

Friday night I'm teaching a very abbreviated version of Saddleback's 301 Class.  It's all about how we're all "SHAPEd" for ministry.  We'll look really quickly at Spiritual Gifts (S), our Passion/Heart (H), our Abilities/talents (A), our Personality (P), and our Experiences (E).  I've always loved this stuff; I think it makes so much sense.  After I fly through that presentation, Christina will administer a DISC personality assessment for them.

On Saturday morning, we'll pick-up where we left off with a focus on the DISC tool and how their personality affects them personally and when they're working as a team.  We'll use several initiative games to help them see what we're talking about.

Saturday afternoon Christina will talk about "Understanding Teenagers/Development" and then we'll talk about how to "do" a small group Bible study/Discipleship session.  That evening we'll actually go through a small group time to model for them what we're talking about.  I'll be using one of Platt/Chan's Multiply resources.

Sunday morning I'll preach in their church, most likely about how we're all called to be ministers.  And then after lunch we'll talk with them more about starting their small group ministry and about writing Vision/Mission statements.

That's a LOT packed into a weekend, huh!

Here's a picture that has nothing to do with Kalush.  It's some of the kids from Light for the Nations Messianic Church hanging out at my house this past Sunday.

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