Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week in Review

It's late Sunday night and I've had a fairly eventful week. Hmm, where to begin. Well, it was a short week of school since I skipped a day on Thursday. Three friends from The World Race, including one of my fellow WR07 travelers Stephanie Fisk, arrived on Thursday and I skipped school to meet them and get them situated in town.

These are the times when I lament not having transportation of my own or my own apartment...but God is definitely good. My friend Oleg drove me to the airport to pick them up.

A few weeks ago I sent out some emails and Facebook messages asking some of the veteran missionaries where I might be able to put 3 girls for a week. One of my first friends here, a fellow language student named Allyson, came through in unbelievable fashion.

The short of it is that she is house-sitting this month for other missionaries currently on furlough so she allowed the girls to live in her apartment all week. Not only that, but she has exercised her gift of hospitality at every turn- from cooking for us last Thursday, to stocking the apartment with groceries for them, acting as a tour guide and introducing them to far more contacts than I could have. What a champ! She also took the girls to visit AIDS Orphans at one of the hospitals- which is part of her ministry here in Kyiv.

On Friday night we attended a Coffee House ministry that another International Church (Intl Christian Assembly) puts on. On Saturday I met my language helper, Yeagor, for the first time...then I met the girls downtown for some sightseeing (but we didn't see much because it was really cold and wet and ugly). Later we enjoyed dinner at TGI Friday's.

Today after church Oleg again provided transportation, taking us to the village of Kiylov about an hour south of Kiev to look at a Retreat Center that a WR Squad will use in a few weeks for Debriefing and Orientation.

Tomorrow we will meet more of Allyson's friends and visit an orphanage.

Finally, today is Interational Women's Day in the former Soviet Union (and maybe some other countries). Sort of like Mother's Day I guess. LOTS of chocolate and flowers being sold today. We have no classes tomorrow because of, another short week....then one more full week...then a whole week of Spring Break and I have to admit, I'm looking forward to it like a 21 year-old college kid!!


Vickie (Clinton's sister) said...

I just knew this week would be a good one. Thank You, Jesus. I love the picture of you and the girls. Tell them your big sister will be praying for them and all the other World Racers to follow... and of course, prayers are winging heavenward constantly for you... love you tons...

Vickie (Clinton's sister) said...

Well, you're into the next week... hope all is going well and that you're finding a way to juggle homework and time with your World Race friends. We're praying for you day and night. love you.

Anonymous said...

Have a good time. I know you miss all the World Racers and it's nice to get to see some of them. I love you, darling. Bye.