Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kyiv is a long way from Detroit...further still from Mississippi!

It was a long day of traveling.   I woke up about 5:15 am after not sleeping much the night before.  Stik drove me to the airport.  After spending most the day before packing, I realized the largest suitcase I owned was too small for the job so we stopped one last time at Walmart to grab a bigger case.  Too big I guess, because it held a solid 65 pounds which was 15 pounds over the limit.  However, I was allowed 2 bags for an overseas flight, so I redistributed everything between the new bag and the old bag and made it just fine.

This lake is right across the highway from my apartment building; it's frozen...see the people ice fishing and walking on it?

My apartment building is probably the only Periwinkle colored building in the former Soviet Union!  I could probably get completely lost anywhere in the city and show a taxi driver a picture of the building and make it home alright.

Here's a shot of my room.  My mattress is on the floor to the far right.  I'm a little short on furniture right now...but that's ok.


Anonymous said...

A frozen lake? Oh, man, that's cold! The building is pretty cool looking, and your room is beautiful. Is it warm? Should I send electric socks? Do they even make those any more? lol... I'm glad you're there and getting settled in. Can hardly wait to hear how things go and maybe learn a word or two of Russian from you... we love you tons... and are praying for you day and night... oh! what's the time difference there from here?
p.s. I can't seem to get my mind around 3,927 miles...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I got my mind around it... that's 4,000 miles, and if there was a road straight from here to there, and I averaged 60 miles an hour getting there, I'd have to drive ten hours a day for a whole week... I'm not sure this old body could make it without being too stove up to walk once I got there, but I'd try if there was a road... :)

Janet T (Clinton's other sister) said...

Good luck at school today! Funny to think that I'm getting ready to go to bed and you're probably already on your way to school. We'll be praying for you, and looking forward to hearing how the first day goes! Don't forget to have some fun, too! love you always, janet

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrrrr... I saw it's five degrees there this morning... it was in the teens here, and I thought my brain would freeze walking to work yesterday... it sure is invigorating, hunh?

Love you...