Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Blogging. Day 11, Video Blog.

I really wanted to video worship this morning.  I play guitar and sing with the contemporary band.  We have my guitar, drums, a keyboard and a varying number of vocalist- all girls.  How is it that the the lone male vocalist is the guy that can't adequately speak the language?

To give you an idea what I'm up against, here's the first verse of one of the songs we sang this morning:

Стоял Ты пред всем твореньем
Вечность держа в руках 
Всю землю привёл Ты в движенье
Стою я склоняясь.

Simple, right?

I have pretty much perfected the art of strategically turning my head from the Mic to glance at the band behind me, or to back away from the Mic as if saying to the congregation, "take it away, y'all!" when I get to particularly problematic consonant clusters.

But since I didn't get video this morning, I quickly recorded bits of 3 different songs that we sang. Can you name that tune in English??

1 comment:

Beth in Ukraine said...

Loved it! Worship was awesome on Sunday, too.