Sunday, November 18, 2012

30 days of blogging. Day 17, hide and watch....

Day 2 of coaching the church in Kalush is in the bag.  Today culminated in a 4 hour long mini- retreat.  It never fails when you tell them they'll spend 4 hours practicing one of the spiritual disciplines that they think, " wow, what am I going to do for 4 hours?"  It also never fails that after it's over when we spend some time debriefing that they all say the time flew by!

Tonight was no exception.  There were tears and some laughter.  A common theme seemed to be some kids, after spending some time just being quiet before the Lord, just affirmation from God that they are loved.

Afterwards, because the group was mostly girls (3 guys and maybe a dozen girls), Christina had multiple opportunities to love on the girls.  She spoke life over them and prayed for nearly all of them.  If you want to see ministry in action, then find Christina and hide and watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How beautiful...

Julie D.